Gatineau’s Hottest Annual Halloween Party Invades The Palais Des Congrès This Weekend
Get your costumes ready and plan those hangover remedies! Halloween’14 Is Coming!
After last year’s monstrous success inside the Civilization’s Museum, to say the least, Powerhouse Events is proud to announce the second installment of Gatineau’s biggest Halloween event of all time: Halloween ’14 at the Palace!
International House sensation Don Diablo is hosting the evening.
The event is taking place this Saturday October 25th at the Palais Des Congrès de Gatineau. Take a look at last years aftermovie and buy your tickets now.
“This year, the event is moving inside the walls of the Gatineau Convention Centre aka the ”Palais des Congrès”, with a brand new theme and more importantly, a much bigger capacity for all you party animals! After reaching maximum capacity before midnight last year and having to rufuse hundreeds of customers eaher to party with us, it was very important for that this year we ensure access to twice as many people as last year! Our goal is to reach 4000 patrons” said Marc-Antoine Massicotte CEO of Powerhouse Events.
“We are also very proud to welcome a very special guest, the devil himself, Mr. DON DIABLO for the event !! The mastermind behind the hits ”Starlight”, ”Knight Time”, ”Anytime” and more recently ”Back In Time” will all make their first ever appearance in the area on October 25th and our whole team of promoters and staff are very excited about this”
Do you have your costume ready?

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