5 Things Only People Who Went To Escapade Will Remember

Escapade Music Festival’s fifth year anniversary took place last month and it completely lived up to expectations. Whether you were a part of the celebrations and want to relive the memorable weekend or missed it but want to feel like you were a part of the festival, here are the 5 things everyone who went to Escapade will always remember.


1) Canadian flags, everywhere.

Everyone from festival goers to artists brought their Canadian flags along with them for the weekend long Canada day celebrations.

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2) An injury didn’t stop you.

Broken wrists? No problem! Bet you didn’t know even DJ Dannic performed with a twisted ankle!

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3) You finally got to wear the amazing outfit you and your friends prepared.

Everyone knows how important your outfit is for a music festival. Not only do you want to be comfortable to dance all day long, but you also want to stand out and show your personality. Some of the festival goers planned out coordinating outfits for their weekend, and chances are they won’t forget the amazing time they all had together!

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4) The amazing stage production.

From the talented performers, their amazing makeup and outfits, to the fireworks closing off both nights, Escapade did not disappoint!

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5) The gorgeous weather all weekend.

The sun was shining bright over Escapade Music Festival all weekend long and the temperature was hot on the racetrack. Let’s just say if you were in the front row chances are you got soaked more than once.

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What was your favorite moment at Escapade?

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