Brunette Now Offers A Simple Way To Help Out Your Favorite Restaurants During These Challenging Times

The service industry has been one of the hardest hit by the economic fallout of the pandemic, with restaurants being forced to either close their doors for an indeterminate amount of time or change their business models overnight. Everybody has got to pitch in if we want to save the fantastic culinary scene Montreal is so well-known for. Brunette, an online retailer of Canadian restaurant products, is offering an easy way you can give a hand to your favorite establishments.


Introducing their “Pay Now, Eat Later” model. Visitors on can purchase gift cards to their beloved spots, helping to keep these businesses afloat during these difficult times. The website also carries a unique array of high-quality restaurant-specific apparel, as well as other types of merchandise that ship worldwide.

Brandon Harrar and Dave Rose founded Brunette in 2018 as a way to give restaurants access to an otherwise untapped revenue stream, via online retailing of products, apparel, and $25 or $50 gift cards. With a global crisis halting standard revenue streams for these partners, this source of cash flow has become more valuable than ever.

Rather than ask for donations, this allows consumers to support their favorite restaurants, while still getting what they paid for. – Brandon Harrar


You can browse through Brunette’s 30+ brand partners on their website and while there’s still no telling how long this pandemic will last, restaurants will eventually reopen their doors. When that day comes, that celebratory meal will taste 10 times better than what you imagine.

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