[RECAP & PICTURES] Escapade Music Festival 2013 In Ottawa

I don’t cry very often, but when I do it’s because I’m writing this recap about the amazing time I had at Escapade Music Festival in Ottawa this past weekend, and because I’m so sad it’s over. Looking back, I just wish that Montreal had thought of this idea first so that all of our readers could attend it with me. When I decided to go to Escapade, I knew I would be in for a great weekend after seeing the lineup of DJ’s, but I hadn’t anticipated all the extra things the festival organizers put forth to make this a weekend to be talked about for a lifetime.

For people who were at the festival, I think we can agree that one of the hardest parts was choosing which DJ to watch, as both the main stage and the tech/bass stage featured a mix of headliners, and new talent that nobody wanted to miss out on. No matter how tired I was from dancing and jumping around from dawn to dusk, each DJ gave their sets their all making everyone in the crowd feel more alive than ever. For people who needed a break from all the action, numerous street performers would wander around the festival to hype up those taking a break, really giving it that Tomorrowland or Electric Daisy festival vibe that everybody loves.

The organizers of Escapade 2013 really nailed everyone they chose to be staff members, because for being there to work, all the staff members and volunteers seemed just as excited as everyone else to be there and worked really hard to reflect the best of what Escapade is all about. On the third day which happened to be Canada Day, the Escapade location changed from the R.A. centre to the heart of downtown Ottawa, where thousands of tourists who weren’t part of Escapade had the opportunity to hear the excitement of the festival and dance around outside the gates. Tiesto did a great job closing the festival, and there was nothing but smiles from everybody who attended the Escapade at the bars afterwards sharing exciting stories from the weekend.

Overall, a job very well done and I encourage everybody who hasn’t been to grab their early bird tickets for Escapade 2014, you won’t regret it.
Take a look at some of the pictures we took from the festival, and stay tuned for the after video that Escapades will be posting sometime soon!

Aleks Dj

WOW what a weekend. Thank you to everyone who came to party at Escapade Music Festival 2013! I hope we provided you with a weekend you’ll never forget and memories that will last a lifetime. Also, Thank you to each and every person that helped make this year’s festival the biggest we’ve had yet. Stay tuned for photos, recaps, and the official Escapade 2013 after movie coming soon. See you all again in 2014!

Escapade Music Festival

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